Volleyball Masters Lore One day, some bastards in lands of games were bored and so they organized and infinitely timelooped game of volleyball. An infinitely timelooped segment is when something happens in lands of games and that moment is forever frozen in time, even though life goes on as normal. Here, that moment is in the form of a game!! mini molly - she is not a bastard. she is nice. - sucks at this game - extremely good at anything to do with bubbles (friends with bubble boy OF COURSE) long tailsnawk - this bastard is tall - too tall for his own good - extremely good at pretending to be a giraffe spak béb - who let this idiot in?? - why is he such an impractical shape?? - who is he?? wheelchair dementia - an all around nice guy - can't remember why he's playing this game - will give it his best anyway Bastard sunset - this being consists of a single cell. everything it does is ran on the raw source of willpower - exudes extreme amounts of energy to perform tasks - still wants to have fun Magic bush: Grown in the gardens of tayanbaun tnektakkekekk. He has taken it as his life goal to give good advice everywhere he pops up. Grants ultimate wisdom. Lorebook written by: spak béb